Full List of Server Monitoring Records
This API endpoint allows an authenticated user to retrieve all server records by providing service ID in the path. It supports pagination via query parameters limit and page.

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

Path Parameters
  • id string
    The unique ID of the service.
    Example: '906a3444-15ce-4410-8041-89a238e9e91f'
Query Parameters
  • page (optional) positive integer
    The page of the result. Use this parameter to paginate through results when there are multiple pages of data.
    Example: 50.
  • limit (optional) positive integer
Response codes
const axios = require('axios');

const url = 'https://resource-query.api.pinghome.io/v1/service/906a3444-15ce-4410-8041-89a238e9e91f/server-resources?limit=50&page=1';

axios.get(url, {
  headers: {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_TOKEN'
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
ResponseThis section is used to view the possible HTTP response codes returned by the API. These codes indicate the status of a request, such as 201 (Created), 401 (Unauthorized), 409 (Conflict), or 422 (Unprocessable Entity).