Update Status Page
This API endpoint allows updating an existing statuspage in the system. The request body requires details such as the name, subdomain, type, and other related information.

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

Expected Behavior:

  • On success, the system will update the statuspage and return a success message.
  • If the request is invalid, the system will return an error message with details of the invalid fields.
  • If the statuspage is not found, a 404 error will be returned.
Path Parameters
  • id string
    The unique ID of the statuspage to be updated. Example: '445a5c1f-c0eb-403a-96d7-3976e5dc74ed'
Request Body Parameters
  • name string
    The name of the status page.
  • description string
  • subdomain string
  • type string
  • password (enabled for private) string
  • domain (optional) string
  • page_name (optional) string
  • dark_theme (optional) boolean
  • favicon (optional) string
  • logo (optional) string
  • redirect_to_https (optional) boolean
  • remove_branding (optional) boolean
  • robots_meta_contents (optional) array of strings
  • website_url (optional) string
  • privacy_url (optional) string
  • support_url (optional) string
  • ga_tracking (optional) string
  • ip_addresses (enabled for private) array of strings
  • subscription_enabled (optional) boolean
  • components array of objects
  • groups array of objects
Response codes
const axios = require('axios');

const url = "https://statuspage-cmd.api.pinghome.io/v1/statuspage/{id}";
const data = {
  name: 'Statuspage name',
  description: 'Statuspage description',
  subdomain: 'status',
  type: 'private',
  password: 'TestPassw0rd!',
  update_password: true,
  domain: 'status.pinghome.io',
  dark_theme: false,
  page_name: 'Name',
  favicon: 'org/f14340fc-3321-42c7-a93b-9befeea8871e/images/img-1705147439.jpg',
  logo: 'org/f14340fc-3321-42c7-a93b-9befeea8871e/image/img-1705147439.jpg',
  redirect_to_https: true,
  remove_branding: true,
  robots_meta_contents: ['index'],
  ip_addresses: [''],
  website_url: 'https://pinghome.io',
  privacy_url: 'https://pinghome.io/privacy-policy',
  support_url: 'https://pinghome.io/support',
  ga_tracking: 'UA-123123-1',
  subscription_enabled: true

axios.put(url, data, {
  headers: {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_TOKEN',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
ResponseThis section is used to view the possible HTTP response codes returned by the API. These codes indicate the status of a request, such as 201 (Created), 401 (Unauthorized), 409 (Conflict), or 422 (Unprocessable Entity).