Set TLD Expiration Reminder
This API endpoint enables the creation of a TLD (Top-Level Domain) reminder by providing its ID as a path parameter and setting up the reminder details in the request body. This is used to trigger notifications for events like domain expirations or renewal deadlines.
This endpoint helps users manage important events related to their TLDs by setting up reminders for upcoming domain expirations or renewals. By configuring when reminders should be triggered (e.g., 1 day or 7 days before the event), users can avoid missing deadlines and ensure uninterrupted service.

Common use cases:

  • Domain expiration reminders: Set up reminders to notify users before a TLD is about to expire, giving them time to renew the domain.
  • Renewal reminders: Trigger reminders for domain renewal deadlines, preventing service interruptions.
  • Custom event reminders: Set reminders for other important events related to the TLD, such as DNS changes or legal obligations.

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

Path Parameters
  • id string
    The unique service ID for which the TLD reminder will be created.
    Example: 'c03b02ec-244f-4d2c-8f68-3910071ed5c8'
Request Body Parameters
  • days_before array of integers
    An array of integers representing how many days before the event the reminder should be triggered.
    Example: [1]
Response codes
const axios = require('axios');

const url = '{id}/tld/reminder';
const data = { days_before: [1] };, data, {
  headers: {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_TOKEN',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
ResponseThis section is used to view the possible HTTP response codes returned by the API. These codes indicate the status of a request, such as 201 (Created), 401 (Unauthorized), 409 (Conflict), or 422 (Unprocessable Entity).